16 MCQ’s Asked by JKSSB on Lakes of J&K in Last 12 years

Did you know “Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir” is one of the very first topics that finds its places in the JKSSB Written Exam. It was for the first time in 2013 that JKSSB conducts the MCQ based written exams and you will be equally surprised to know that this Question Paper has Question on Lakes and even if we look in any JKSSB Exam Paper, you will find question on Lakes of J&K. For your convenience, we have written an in-depth article dicussing every minute details regarding the Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir

In this post we will share all the Questions Asked by JKSSB in Last 12 years on Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir. Reading these questions, will give you an idea, what you need to prepare for this Topic.

MCQ’s on Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir asked by JKSSB in last 12 years

1 Which among the following Lakes is Famous for its Lotus Flowers? (2013)

  1. Surinsar Lake
  2. Mansabal Lake
  3. Sheshnag Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Mansabal Lake

2 Which Lake is also known as “Harmukh Ganga” ? (2013, 2017)

  1. Gangabal Lake
  2. Dal Lake Lake
  3. Gadsar Lake
  4. Nilnaag Lake

Ans: Gangabal Lake

3. Which of the following is the second largest lake in the state of Jammu and Kashmir? (2014)

  1. Gangabal Lake
  2. Dal Lake
  3. Wular Lake
  4. Kausrnag Lake

Ans: Dal Lake

4. Which of the following lakes lies in the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir state? (2014, 2017)

  1. Mansar Lake
  2. Dal Lake
  3. Sheshnag Lake
  4. Vishnupad Lake

Ans: Mansar Lake

5. In which of the following districts of Jammu and Kashmir is the Manasbal Lake situated? (2015)

  1. Anantnag
  2. Shopian
  3. Bandipora
  4. Ganderbal

Ans: Ganderbal

6. Which one of the following lakes is connected with Jhelum by a canal near Sumbal? (2015, 2017)

  1. Mansar Lake
  2. Dal Lake
  3. Mansabal Lake
  4. Vishnupad Lake

Ans: Mansabal Lake

7. Which of the following is an oxbow-type lake of Jammu and Kashmir and has probably originated by the meandering of the alluvial deposits? (2016)

  1. Nilnag Lake
  2. Dal Lake
  3. Ahansar Lake
  4. Vishnupad Lake

Ans: Ahansar Lake.

8. Over which lake did Mughals build 2 artificial Islands? (2017)

  1. Manasbal Lake
  2. Dal Lake
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Mansabal Lake

9. Which of the following options is a spring of the Kashmir Valley? (2019)

  1. Gangabal
  2. Vishno Pad
  3. Martand
  4. Manasbal

Ans: Vishnopad Lake

10 Wular Lake is famous as (2023)

  1. The Largest Freshwater Lake in India
  2. The Largest Saline Water Lake in India
  3. The Highest Lake in India
  4. The Highest Dam

Ans: The Largest Freshwater Lake in India

11. Which lake of Jammu and Kashmir has first floating post office? (2023)

  1. Sanasar Lake
  2. Mansar Lake
  3. Dal Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Dal Lake

12. Which of the following lakes of India is located in Jammu and Kashmir (2024)?

  1. Phullar Lake
  2. Kolleru Lake
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Hamirsar Lake

Ans: Anchar Lake

13 Which is the deepest lake in Jammu and Kashmir? (2024)

  1. Manasbal Lake
  2. Dal Lake ✅
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Mansabal Lake

14. Which lake, located in the Doda district of Jammu region, is known for its religious significance and is surrounded by pine forests? (2024)

  1. Manasbal Lake
  2. Kailash Kund
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Kailash Kund

15 The largest Fresh water Lake of Jammu and Kashmir is? (2024)

  1. Dal Lake
  2. Mansabal Kund
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Wular Lake

Ans: Wular Lake

16. Which of the following is the largest Lake in Jammu and Kashmir with respect to the area? (2024)

  1. Wular Lake
  2. Mansabal Kund
  3. Anchar Lake
  4. Vishnopad Lake

Ans: Wular Lake

What we Analyzed ?

After analysig these questions, we found that “Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir, is one of the favorite topic of paper setters, hardly there is any JKSSB Exam, where you don’t find questions asked by JKSSB on this topis.

These questions also gave you an idea about the diffculty level of questions asked by JKSSB and you can also compare how diffculty level of questions have changed over the years.

If you are going to appear in any of the JKSSB Exams in 2025 in including the JKSSB Naib Tehsildar Exam, then don;t forget to read our previous post in which we have shared our Premium content on Lakes of Jammu and Kashmir.

1 thought on “16 MCQ’s Asked by JKSSB on Lakes of J&K in Last 12 years”

  1. Pingback: Prepare Lakes in Jammu and Kashmir Topic this way and Score 100% Marks -

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